Here is yet another customer review of the Half-Mile Hailer from Guam:
5 / 5 stars
"During election time at the poles, in GUAM, every one has his own Generated, electric, vehicle mounted Megaphone blasting in your face, with the S610A it is so loud that it beats the competion especially with the microphone and music on. As a matter of fact we plan to order 19 more for all of our district to have." By Papa Razzi - Sep 11, 2010
Review courtesy of Buzzillions.

Due to the Half-Mile Hailer's popularity, we have received a lot of reviews and testimonials commenting on its power, performance, and exceptional durability (some people have said that they have used their Hailer system for more than 25 years!!).
Here are more reviews to read:
-Video: Auction Company Reviews AmpliVox Products
-Blog: Auctioneer Review of Half-Mile Hailer PA System
-Blog: NCAA Track and Field Starter's Review of the Half-Mile Hailer Loudspeaker PA System
-Video: Customer Reviews Half-Mile Hailer in YouTube Video
-Video Playlist of the Half-Mile Hailer