Like it or not, technology and the internet is drastically changing how we do just about everything in life. Instead of spending hours in a library, students can do a simple search on the internet to obtain the sought for information.
Instead of just sending out catalogs and making cold calls, marketers have flocked to the internet and sought to reel customers in via Search Engine Optimization and online video.
Instead of being confined to five TV channels, entertainment seekers can turn to hundreds of HD channels or watch an unlimited amount of online video on sites like YouTube.
In addition to these time-saving benefits, there are a few negative consequences stemming from the recent technological revolution.
One of these problems is how we people relate to others. There is a big complaint that texting is replacing face-to-face interactions and also making real, good, conversations seem obsolete.
Before the internet age, when young people had questions and sought wisdom, they turned to their elders and their rich storehouses of wisdom.
Now with everything being a simple Google search away, relationships between youth and the elderly has changed, and so has the wisdom that comes with time. Many youths these days do not realize that all of life answers are not on the internet and that we need to learn from people with more wisdom and experience.
What can be done to combat this?
Remind young people of how much wisdom their predecessors have. 9 Simple Tips won't help a twenty-something who needs life advice, but a heart-to-heart with an older relative could prove to be the answer.
Educate older people in how to best relate to younger people (and no, they do not have to have Twitter to be relevant). Coming alongside a young person could be a great benefit for both people involved.
Related Links:
-AmpliVox YouTube Channel
-Will it Float? AmpliVox Podium Edition
-AmpliVox's Portable PA Systems
-Lectern Vs. Podium: Definitions of Each