At Amplivox we try to help out our customers in any way we can. This includes reaching out and sharing some of the business practices and tips (presentation tips and productivity tips) that we have found helpful. Our CEO has given a few of us the privilege of working a few days a week from home. In not taking advantage of that privilege, I have developed some habits to make sure that I am productive at home. You may find these helpful the next time you have the opportunity to work form home, enjoy.

Don't- Think you can work from anywhere.
Too many times when working from home we get in the mindset that we can work from anywhere, the bed, the garage, the backyard, and be productive. But distractions can come up quick when we are not in a focused area. Setting up a work space can greatly help productivity and can make all the difference when it comes to what we get done at the end of the day. Laying around all day would be nice, but not productive and those who have let you work from home have trusted that you can be productive without the supervision.
2. Do- Dress for success, even at home.
Don't- Lay around in your PJ's all day.
I'm not saying you have to wear a suit at home but again, your environment effects productivity. If you dress relatively unprofessional, underwear, shirts with holes in them, you favorite pair of shorts, then you are not going to feel like doing work is that important. When you put on a decently professional outfit your mind says 'it's work time' and your productivity will increase. I'm not saying, 'don't be comfortable', you have every right to be comfortable, you are at home and you've earned it. I'm saying that being mindful of your outfit can increase your productivity.
3. Do- Get up every once in a while and take a walk around the block
Don't- Sit all day
It is a common fact that at home professionals gain on average of 30 pounds their first year at home. Why? Because the only time they get up during the day is to go to the fridge for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Get up, stand up, go on throw your hands up.
4. Do- Keep in contact with a few of your co-workers
Don't- Isolate yourself from the world in your house.
Typically, you will be leaving a community of workers from your company by working at home. Don't completely isolate yourself from them. You can still give them a call during breaks or shoot them an e-mail to see how things are. Don't rub the fact that you work at home in their face, but do make sure that they know you still are interested in them.
5. Do- Manage your time wisely
Don't- Start working 18 hour days because you can.
This may be easier said than done. Your time is valuable to you and you need to manage it wisely. Working 14, 16, or 18 hour days can begin to isolate you from your family, from your friends, and your co-workers. You may be putting all those hours in because you find yourself drifting off during the day with TV, Facebook, etc.
Working at home can be a blessing; just make sure that it doesn't effect or productivity, professionalism, and your home life.
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