Whether it be safety instructions, communicating over large crowds, or giving a presentation, our portable pa systems, podiums and lecterns, and AV computer carts will help you and your communication needs.
Here are 11 awesome links for firefighters:
- Firefighter Basics Blog: This blog is a good intro to firefighting and has interesting articles about the fire/EMS industry.
- Fire Fight: With forests burning, US officials are clashing wiht environmentalists over how best to reduce the risk of catastrophic blazes-Smithsonian.com
- Blog: Firefighters' Wives. A blog entirely for and by wives of firefighters.
- Does your Fire Department have a Social Media Policy?
- VIDEO: A Day in the Life of A Firefighter This video highlights a typical day for firefighters focusing on women firefighters.
- VIDEO: How to Plan for Emergency Situations with Portable Sound Systems A video made by Amplivox explaning how portable audio equipment can help save lives.
- VIDEO: How to Plan an Evacuation Drill
- LinkedIn Group: Firefighter, Rescue & EMS Network
- 45 Posts with the Best Tips for Fireproofing Your Home
- 5 Most Popular Social Media Tools for Fire Departments
- Twitter account to follow: What's New In Fire
Amplivox salutes and thanks firefighters and other rescue workers!
Portable audio equipment can benefit a fire department by allowing them to control crowds and talk above the noise that high-pressure environments can bring. Some Amplivox products that would benefit a fire department or EMS team include:

Other interesting Links:
BLOG: Standing By Americal: Amplivox Uses Products Made in USA
BLOG: Cruise Ship Fire Leaves Thousands Stranded
VIDEO: Amplivox Sound Cruiser Car PA System Informational Video
VIDEO: Amplivox Megaphone Demonstration