Phones continue to evolve at breakneck speeds and it is hard to keep up with what seems to be a countless number of applications. The most recent form of bar code scanning is QR scanning or "Quick Response" scanning. The QR Code above allows you to scan the image with your phone and it will direct you to the Amplivox home page. Don't Believe me? Try it out for yourself!
QR Codes allow endless marketing possibilities. QR codes could also one day replace business cards. Just think about pulling out your phone at a business meeting with your QR code on the screen and all the potential client has to do is scan it and all your linkedin information would be downloaded directly to their phone. Mobile technology is changing the way we interact, QR codes will take interactions to the next level.
Related Links:
BLOG: Technology Making Old People... Irrelevant?
BLOG: Amplivox on Social Media
BLOG: Translate Ampli.com Into 12 Languages!
BLOG: Too Much Technology?