They showed this video on American made products and shared some very intriguing statistics towards the end:
According to economists, if Americans spent 1% more on U.S. products, we could IMMEDIATELY create 200,000 jobs for the United States.
Two-hundred-thousand is a big number.
Amplivox Sound Systems (located in Northbrook, IL) engineers, manufacturers, and markets portable sound systems, lecterns, and AV carts and does whatever it can to ensure our products are Made in the USA.
About 95% of our products are made in the USA and come with an industry-leading six year warranty.
Below are two Amplivox employees working hard at designing and constructing some of our products.
(Charley is on the left with our soon to be released Tabletop version of the Pinnacle Podium and Andrew is on the right with a Presidential Plus Lectern)

WEBSITE: Amplivox Sound Systems Main Page
BLOG: Amplivox Podium Used in Video by Craftsman Tools
BLOG: Church Pulpits: Amplivox Podiums and Lecterns Great for Churches
BLOG: Multi-Purpose Lecterns And Podiums: Restaurant Hostess Stand, Presentations and PulpitVIDEO: ABC News Clip about Purchasing American Products