The football coach used a wireless headset microphone with our Half-Mile Hailer Bundle and Digital Audio Travel Partner Bundle.
Pictured are Amplivox CEO Don Roth and Amplivox employee/youth football coach Denny Porter. The football coach is pictured wearing our headest microphone also.
Some benefits of using a wireless personal amplification PA system in youth sports include:
- Not losing your voice trying to shout out commands
- Being heard over the crowd and commotion
- Greater control over players because you know they all hear you
- No need to repeat commands when you are heard loudly and clearly the first time!
- Adds to the professionalism of the practice

Related Links:
-Interesting Facts about Amplivox's Home, Northbrook, IL
-Sound System/Lectern Products Suggested for Sports Market
-VIDEO: The Benefits of an Amplified Classroom
-Amplivox Lectern used by NFL Commissioner Paul Goodell for Press Conference
-Half-Mile Hailer Blog with Video Reviews and Information
-VIDEO: Amplivox Supports Youth Football on Youtube Page