Periodically, we here at Amplivox want to share some interesting links, videos, and articles with you relating to portable sound systems, social media, current events, or something we thought was cool. If you keep up with our Twitter page, you may notice that some of these are repeats, but they are all links we found to be very interesting.
- King Solomon's Take on Social Media -- This blog post looks into some of the wisdom literature written by King Solomon of the Bible, known as "The Wisest Man who Ever Lived", and applies much of that wisdom to Social media. Really great stuff.
- Review - General Microphone Techniques -- Great page documenting techniques for optimizing the use of microphones
- Ugly Pumpkins are a top seller: One person's trash is another person's treasure
- Clown wins Election in Brazil: And us Americans can sometimes complain that we have clowns running the country...Related blog: Social Media, Mid-Term Elections, and Observations by Amplivox
- eHow: How to Choose a Sound System