AmpliVox Sound Systems, a long-time supporter of first responders and medical personnel, salutes National Nurses Week with the offer of a free AmpliVox megaphone to senior health care centers.
"We enthusiastically salute our nation’s nurses who have done a spectacular job caring for COVID patients and protecting the public," said AmpliVox CEO Don Roth.
"One example is our friend Karen Mueller, a nurse at a Chicago metropolitan health care system. Her story is typical of so many health care workers during the past year."
"One example is our friend Karen Mueller, a nurse at a Chicago metropolitan health care system. Her story is typical of so many health care workers during the past year."

"It’s been so tough," said Mueller.
"During the pandemic, I have specialized in ‘vascular access,’ which means that I’ve done a lot of I.V. lines for many very ill COVID patients and seen a lot of them in serious enough condition to be put on not only ventilators, but also ECMO (Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machines, which basically act as artificial lungs.
And, even many patients who recovered and were released continue to feel serious after effects of the disease.
"Meanwhile, we’ve also had to deal with medical conditions that always occur, such as heart attacks, strokes, and other emergencies.
It’s been extremely tough on all health care personnel; some of them are stressed enough to have suffered their own trauma. But so many health care workers have been truly heroic."
And, even many patients who recovered and were released continue to feel serious after effects of the disease.
"Meanwhile, we’ve also had to deal with medical conditions that always occur, such as heart attacks, strokes, and other emergencies.
It’s been extremely tough on all health care personnel; some of them are stressed enough to have suffered their own trauma. But so many health care workers have been truly heroic."
Said Roth, "Because seniors have suffered such a disproportionate share of COVID-related problems, we want to do what we can to help senior centers."

The free megaphone is available through June 30 2021 to bona fide senior health care centers (limit one free megaphone per site, please.)
The megaphone, AmpliVox Mini-Meg Model S600NR projects strong, clear sound up to 100 yards and to those with hearing impairment.
It weighs just two pounds, has a built-in siren and fold-up handle.
It works from 4 D cell batteries, providing up to 20 hours of continuous talk time.
To get the free megaphone call AmpliVox at
(847) 404-8224 and ask for Don Roth.