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Craig MacCormack, Executive Editor of CI, recently video conferenced with AmpliVox CEO Don Roth to publish his story of fundraising efforts to raise money to support ocular melanoma research.
Don Roth still gets understandably emotional about his wife Nancy’s six-year fight against ocular melanoma, which she lost in September 2018, despite countless doctor’s visits, expert opinions and treatments.

But while Roth will likely never truly get over the loss of his wife of 52 years, he’s figured out a proactive way to make the best of it by working to raise money to find a cure for the disease that took Nancy’s life at age 76.
Roth has led efforts to raise about $35,000 for the Eye Tumor Research Foundation and the Ocular Melanoma Foundation through a GoFundMe fundraising page as well as partnerships with local restaurants and neighborhood businesses near AmpliVox’s headquarters in the Chicago area.
Among the local restaurants to donate portions of their proceeds to Roth’s fundraising efforts are City Barbecue, Eddie Merlot and The Warehouse, but they’re not the only ones, he says.
Roth has led efforts to raise about $35,000 for the Eye Tumor Research Foundation and the Ocular Melanoma Foundation through a GoFundMe fundraising page as well as partnerships with local restaurants and neighborhood businesses near AmpliVox’s headquarters in the Chicago area.
Among the local restaurants to donate portions of their proceeds to Roth’s fundraising efforts are City Barbecue, Eddie Merlot and The Warehouse, but they’re not the only ones, he says.
"My dedication and my goal is to raise money in many, many different ways for the Eye Tumor Research Foundation," says Roth.
AmpliVox employees “have all been very supportive in every way," he says, as have the company’s customers and suppliers.
"There will always be a little hole in my heart. They fill the gap when all of these people are so supportive," says Roth.
"Our customers and our suppliers and our employees have made our lives worthwhile."
"They’ve made what we’re doing worthwhile."
AmpliVox employees “have all been very supportive in every way," he says, as have the company’s customers and suppliers.
"There will always be a little hole in my heart. They fill the gap when all of these people are so supportive," says Roth.
"Our customers and our suppliers and our employees have made our lives worthwhile."
"They’ve made what we’re doing worthwhile."
Roth has invited all of AmpliVox’s suppliers and customers to contribute to the GoFundMe page in Nancy’s memory .
"Many of them have been very generous," says Roth, noting AmpliVox also includes information about donating to the effort on its purchase orders and invoices "to get the word out."
Roth has offered to match donations at various times as well in hopes of generating as much support as possible.
Never Giving Up: Supporting Ocular Melanoma Research and ETRF in 2020

Roth certainly will never stop missing his widow, but he has no regrets about the way they worked to battle her cancer as it metastasized and spread from the lesion in her eye to her liver.
Nancy Roth went through chemotherapy and treatments in Chicago, Philadelphia and New York hoping to be cured.
Shields and Shields in Philadelphia have a dedicated eye tumor research specialist hoping to solve the problem that plagued Nancy Roth and others whereby their DNA makes them more susceptible to the spread of the melanoma. Ocular melanoma strikes about 2,000 people each year, says Roth.
Shields and Shields recently named the patient consulting room in Nancy’s honor and memory.