Ready.gov is a National public service designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters.
Their National Preparedness Month is recognized each September, with a 2019 "Prepared, Not Scared" theme to promote families and communities to teach the youth what to do when a crisis occurs, and how to take preparedness actions as a family.
Emergencies can strike at any time, make sure your business, organization, school, or community is prepared with a portable sound system.
In an emergency every second counts, shouting over the noise could waist precious seconds. You need to make sure you are heard, a lightweight portable sound system is a great way to make sure that everyone hears your message clearly and quickly.

Outdoor portable sound systems such as the Half-Mile Hailer can help your emergency planning responders effectively communicate during the first critical moments.
Override the noise, commotion, and sense of panic that can impair an organized emergency plan.
Long range weather proof sound systems are ideal for directing emergency crews and crowd control in larger areas.
For situations that require moving personnel from indoor facilities to an inclement outdoor environment, weatherproof sound systems can direct the crowd where the outdoor elements may add to the complexity of the emergency.
Override the noise, commotion, and sense of panic that can impair an organized emergency plan.
Long range weather proof sound systems are ideal for directing emergency crews and crowd control in larger areas.
For situations that require moving personnel from indoor facilities to an inclement outdoor environment, weatherproof sound systems can direct the crowd where the outdoor elements may add to the complexity of the emergency.
Many people think there's just one simple drill and that's the "Get out of Town" drill associated with fires but actually there are many different types of drills that need to take place in large facilities.
Often drills require evacuation from the building or relocating to a safer place, such as when there is a tornado. Other times it's important to get the word out that you need to lock down or shelter in place.
All emergencies require different procedures and different ways of handling it throughout your organization and all of them require clear communications to the people that are impacted.

Business: Emergency Preparedness Planning
There is much that a business leader can do to prepare his or her organization for the most likely hazards.
- Natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes
- Health hazards such as widespread and serious illnesses like the flu
- Human-caused hazards including accidents and acts of violence
- Technology-related hazards like power outages and equipment failure

Campus: Get Informed and Ready
In times of disasters, colleges and universities serve as key emergency management partners to federal, state, local, tribal, territory and private sector organizations.

Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education introduces new approaches to planning, that includes walking through different emergency scenarios to create a course of action for each objective the team is trying to accomplish.
Colleges and universities are encouraged to review, update and exercise their emergency plans several times per year.
In order to build disaster resistant and resilient communities a broad range of college students and professionals need courses that introduce them to hazards, risk, vulnerability, disasters, and what to do about them.
The Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education provides recommendations in the development of plans not only to respond to an emergency, but also outlines how Institutions of Higher Education can plan for preventing, protecting against, mitigating the impact of and recovering from these emergencies.

Seniors: Creating a Support Network
Creating a support network of family, friends and others who can assist seniors during an emergency, and share your disaster plans with them.
Practice your plan with them. Make sure they have an extra key to your home, know where you keep your emergency supplies and how to use lifesaving equipment or administer medicine.