We recently wrote a guest blog post for our friends over at SCHOOLSin called 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Teaching.
Here is a small excerpt:
"With nearly 180 days of school during one school year, doing school the same way everyday can wear on both teachers and students alike.
Why not ditch the normal lesson plan format? Here are 5 ideas to spice up your teaching process:
1. Have students teach each other.
Dividing up the curriculum and assigning groups of students to teach their peers is a great way to encourage student interaction with class material. Giving students class time to plan their lesson means that the teacher is freed up to plan ahead, meet individually with students, or catch up on grading.
Another plus for this teaching idea is that it gives students experience teaching and speaking in front of their peers.
2. Throw in some technology."By Kevin Halloran
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