-Winston Churchill
These days nothing seems to be as divisive as bringing up politics in a conversation. There are many gray issues in politics like education, universal healthcare, the environment, the role of the government, and even government involvement in large corporations.
Even when politics can be frustrating and confusing, there is one thing that is not a gray issue: the quality of Amplivox Sound Systems and Lecterns. Illinois Congressman Mark Kirk, Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and President Barack Obama have all used various Amplivox products to communicate their messages. (Click on the following links to watch our Youtube videos: Sarah Palin Uses Amplivox Pinnacle Lectern and Barack Obama Makes Sure His Message is Heard with Amplivox Megaphone)
Amplivox is proud that we participate with GSA Government contracts. Click on the previous link to go to our GSA Contract page that includes price lists for the different contracts, or go to the GSA Advantage website and search for the product you want.
For more information about our public address systems, lecterns, and presentation furniture, please visit http://www.ampli.com/ or call (800)267-5486.