Never have to repeat yourself again. The students in your class need to hear you and AmpliVox can help. Most teachers assume that all the students in their class are able to hear them speak?

According to the Institute for Enhanced Classroom Hearing say that even students with perfect hearing can miss up to one third of what teachers are saying due to poor acoustics or poor environment.
That's a lot of students missing what you're saying that would benefit from an amplified classroom.
Many students, especially those toward the back of the room, may not hear what the teacher says due to background noise and other distractions.
There has been a lot of controversy when it comes to using portable sound systems in classrooms but the better children can hear, the more they are able to learn.
Students in an amplified classrooms retain more information have less behavioral problems and score higher on the tests. This is the reason why schools across the nation are turning to personal amplification systems to improve the education environment.
That's a lot of students missing what you're saying that would benefit from an amplified classroom.
Many students, especially those toward the back of the room, may not hear what the teacher says due to background noise and other distractions.
There has been a lot of controversy when it comes to using portable sound systems in classrooms but the better children can hear, the more they are able to learn.
Students learn much better when they do not have to guess at what the teacher is saying.

It is reported that 70% of educators have missed at least a day of class due to voice related problems. Teachers in an amplified classroom agree that their voice showed fewer signs of strain during the day, that they repeated themselves left less often and that they didn't have to clarify what they were saying as much.
Their voice sounded more confident and it was easier to get the attention of the whole class, spending less time managing behavior and more time focusing on curriculum.
AmpliVox provides a great selection of light-weight portable sound systems that will would be an asset in any classroom.

Audio Portable

Dual Audio

BeltBlaster Waistband Amplifier

PA System


Digital Audio Travel Partner Plus

Digital Audio Travel Partner Package

Titan Wireless Portable PA System


Hailer Kits
Best School Lecterns: Durable, Portable, Sound System Optional

Schools need quality lecterns for a variety of activities: school assemblies, public speaking presentations, and outdoor activities like graduations.
AmpliVox Sound Systems has a wide range of high quality of lecterns great for any school.
All of our podiums are built with portability in mind, moving easily on rolling casters and running on built in rechargeable batteries.
These lecterns offer sound options, plugging into your in house sound system or coming with a wireless sound system built in.
AmpliVox Sound Systems has a wide range of high quality of lecterns great for any school.
All of our podiums are built with portability in mind, moving easily on rolling casters and running on built in rechargeable batteries.
These lecterns offer sound options, plugging into your in house sound system or coming with a wireless sound system built in.


Maestro Adjustable
Presentation Center




Presidential Plus Lectern


Executive Adjustable Lectern

Executive Column Lectern



Pinnacle Multimedia Lectern

Collegiate Multimedia Lectern



Rack Rail Ready Computer Lectern

ADA Sit To Stand Lectern

Contemporary ADA Lectern

Multimedia Smart Podium


As a GSA-approved vendor, AmpliVox proudly serves the purchasing needs of government agencies with GSA Pricing, FOB Destination, Timely Quotes, Generous Warranties, and Full Support of Our Dedicated Customer Service Team.