Our "best-sellers" are the go-to products for all your most important speaking and presentation needs for: indoors or out, for audiences from 10 to 10,000. The products below will help you sound good, look good, and come off like a real pro.
Questions? You can contact us online or call (800) 267-5486.
A customer service specialists will fit the right product to your application, as well as answer your basic or technical questions.
Adjustable Height & ADA
AmpliVox furniture designs provide options that fit well in any workplace, suiting the needs of all users with comfort and style. Designed to meet the ADA precise standards for accessible design, suitable for all individual height requirements.
New for 2021
Multimedia Presentation Furniture
Adjustable Height Lecterns
Standard Full Heights Lecterns
Valet Podiums
Portable PA Systems
Half-Mile Hailer Systems
Universal Wireless Microphone Series
Line Array / Sound Bars
There are many additional products not shown above...
Check our website or call (800) 267-5486.
We're renowned for our customer service.