Front Row: Larry, Sheila, Bill
Pinnacle Wood division produces high quality lecterns and rack cabinets made in the USA at our Chicagoland factory.

Putting the final touches
on the SN3004 Chariot Lectern

Contemporary Lecterns offer elegant
design that complements your décor

Falcon Patriot Lecterns are custom made
in your choice of color fabric accent

Multimedia Lecterns integrate options
and accessories that expand your capabilities
Since becoming part of AmpliVox, Pinnacle has invested in new equipment to improve shop efficiency and enhance product quality.
The new equipment includes:
- Edgebander – an automated system for applying edge trip to cabinets
- AutoCAD (computer aided design) software, to enhance cabinet design
- CNC (Computer Numerical Control) equipment that enables computerized control of wood routing for more precise and high-quality finished products

Festool Edgebander

Weeke Computer Numerical Control