AmpliVox Sound Systems, manufacturer of megaphones and portable PA systems, is donating a free megaphone to any COVID-19 drive-up testing site to control traffic and provide clear, audible instructions to participants in their cars.
The megaphone, AmpliVox Model S600NR projects strong, clear sound up to 100 yards.
"We know there is a surging demand for COVID testing, and that additional drive-up sites are being developed," said AmpliVox CEO Don Roth.
"Our business is voice amplification, and we are happy to support the pandemic recovery effort by helping people in their cars clearly hear instructions from testing personnel."
"Our business is voice amplification, and we are happy to support the pandemic recovery effort by helping people in their cars clearly hear instructions from testing personnel."

The free megaphone is available through June 30 to COVID-19 drive-through testing sites (limit one free megaphone per site).
The Mini-Meg 10-Watt Megaphone weighs just two pounds, has a built-in siren and fold-up handle.
It works from 4 D cell batteries provides up to 20 hours of continuous talk time.
To get the free megaphone:
- call AmpliVox at 800-267-5486
- ask for Jason, ext. 442, or Patrick, ext. 438
AmpliVox manufactures a complete line of megaphones and PA systems:

Megaphones for reaching audiences up to one mile, most with rechargeable batteries, many models with sirens, whistles, and flashing warning lights. The Safety Wand Megaphone S606 features a flashing wand that can help with directing traffic.

Half-Mile Hailers for wider disbursement of high-quality sound up to a half mile away, featuring wireless microphones for freedom of movement and auxiliary speakers and tripod-mounting for extended range. Batteries provide extended use of up to 200 hours.

Vehicle-Mounted Sound Cruisers feature horn speakers on a vehicle roof with amplifier in the vehicle, for mobile broadcasting.

Portable PAs ranging from smaller models mounted on a belt to mobile units with 250-watt amplifier capable of reaching 7,500 people.