Sports coaches work daily to create practice formats that will best prepare their teams for competition. Research has proven teams that compete at practice with energy, enthusiasm, and at a game-like tempo, typically are successful during competition.
All coaches would agree, at times, it can be hard to get players to consistently be energetic and enthusiastic about practice. Without their 100% commitment, practice time can easily diminish from a time of improvement to a time where teams develop bad habits for games.
How can coaches impact practices in a way that will consistently get players to commit to being energetic and enthusiastic during practice time? Creating a fun and competitive game-like atmosphere at practice can be the solution.
Although using a portable sound system at practice isn’t particularly popular in athletics, many coaches are beginning to rely on this strategy to impact preparation for games.
Portable Sound Systems can create a game-like environment for teams during athletic practices.
Research shows that implementing player-driven audio soundtracks during practice can increase team energy and enthusiasm.
This concept allows athletes to be more engaged with the tone of practice.
Some coaches may fear that audio application could be more distracting than beneficial, however, this concept emphasizes the importance of self-motivation and team discipline.
Another strategy that can create game-like atmospheres at practice involves, adjusting the audio level output during important team period drills.
This forces players to listen and communicate with one another during chaotic situations. Team chemistry and unity will be positively impacted, while also preparing players for intense game situations.
Lastly, sometimes a coach's position on the practice field can make communication efforts difficult. Portable sound system application to a practice environment would allow coaches to be clearly heard no matter where they are, or which direction they are facing. Coaches can establish and maintain a game-like tempo by having a more vocal role in practice.
Whether your intentions are to create a practice environment with energy and enthusiasm or to be more vocal with your team at practice, AmpliVox has you covered.
The following AmpliVox sound systems best fit a practice field:
The Half-Mile Hailer lives up to its name, you can easily be heard over a half mile away with this loudspeaker system. It's simple, straightforward controls, and lightweight design makes it the most practical and portable outdoor speaker sound system on the market.
If you need to project your voice to large crowds and up-tempo environments, this is your solution.
The Digital Audio Travel Partner has a 250-watt amp that can project sounds up to 25,000 square feet, and to groups up to 10,000 people.
It features such as it’s 16 channel UHF wireless microphone receiver, Bluetooth connectivity, and remote controlled media player that puts this PA system above all others.
The AmpliVox Titan Wireless Portable PA System is a sound system that can be used indoors or out, to reach up to 2,500 people with crystal clear sound. The system contains a built-in locking handle and wheels for mobility purposes, as well as a storage compartment convenient for microphone and remote.
Its most popular feature is Bluetooth capability in which you can play music remotely from your iPad or smartphone. You can also add an optional tripod for even greater sound dispersion.
Extend your voice quickly and powerfully to large open areas with AmpliVox Mity-Meg Megaphones.
They are ideal for crowd control, noisy environments, and emergency situations. Mity-Megs 25-watt power allows you to reach those that are even far [further] away.
With it’s simple “push-to-talk” function you can be heard however far you want, whenever you want.
AmpliVox products are reliable for any athletic field sound application. Take the initiative and revolutionize your practice habits with this audio trend. Depend on AmpliVox to create a game-like atmosphere for your next practice!