It is all part of showcasing the new Staples, the world's second largest internet retailer with more products in more categories in more ways to shop.
Staples is adding thousands of new products beyond office supplies, expanding their selection and offerings that small businesses might not expect they carry.
Staples is so serious about their expansion, they are even changing their logo. The bent staple in Staples' logo (the letter "L") is being removed and swapped with items such as water bottles, dog biscuits, two wheeler carts, dining room chairs, rubber boots, paint brushes, floor waxers, and glass cleaners.
Staples also carries many of our AmpliVox products ranging from our selection of lecterns, portable pa systems, microphones, audio visual carts, presentation speakers and mobile workstations.
In its latest TV spot, titled "How to Get your Client's Attention", Staples introduces their custom marketing materials providing architectural prints, brochures, to oversized printouts and banners that will bring your designs to life.
The funniest part of the clip arrives at the 0:22 mark when the client is awaken with an AmpliVox Mity-Meg using its siren function. The Mity-Meg's are currently receiving a upgrade by introducing a rechargeable battery pack to operate as a rechargeable megaphone system.
The Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery Packs now enables the Mity-Megs with an alternative power source to its previous required C-cell batteries. The recharger is built-into the battery case with a LED charge status indicator and automatic charge protection that stops charging when the battery is fully charged.
For more information on AmpliVox megaphones, please visit: