Tapping into the power of the morning gives you the opportunity to set a positive tone for the day.
Early risers use their morning quiet time for organization, goal-setting and planning out their days and weeks ahead.
Many get up early to exercise, boosting their mood and fitness. Others like to jump straight into their work, tackling their most difficult task of the day first when there are not that many distractions.
Thankfully for Juliana, AmpliVox's Quality Assurance Intern Superstar, waking up early is a skill she did not have to learn because she is a natural early bird.
Juliana is always excited to wake up at the first sight of dawn and never drags her feet out of bed.
She greets a wonderful new day with enthusiasm and gets a head start on the day by getting so much more done in the morning.
Her early morning routine consists of:
- Tea Time With Grandma
- Digesting the Daily News
- Playing With Her Favorite Building Blocks
- Being the First To Arrive At AmpliVox

Tea Time With Grandma
There's nothing more special than morning tea with Grandma.
It gives the girls the time they need to talk about the things that really matter in life, such as: current world politics, the economy, global warming and shoes.
Grandma always serves chamomile tea in the morning for its antibacterial effects to prevent and treat colds.
Juliana prefers tea over coffee for its soothing power in relieving stress and moisturizing properties as it does wonders for her skin.

Digesting the Daily News
Reading the newspaper daily is a good habit that can provide a great sense of educational value, enhancing your knowledge about general information while likewise improving your English skills and vocabulary.
Staying updated with the latest around the globe and following a news story or case thoroughly contributes to a higher understanding of the world.
Juliana goes straight for the funnies and welcomes a good morning laugh. She is an avid fan of Calvin and Hobbes for their uncompromising vision of sweetness and pain, humor and philosophy.
Juliana follows the funnies with checking the weather section and then closely goes over the stories that made the front page.
She also likes to keep an eye on the latest in her local area through the classifieds and advertisements, increasing her working knowledge of her locality and can't say no to a good sale.

Playing With Her Favorite Building Blocks
Juliana is exceptionally skilled at assembling custom AmpliVox Multimedia Lecterns, but her first love is playing with building blocks.
Playing with building blocks improves her motor skills and mental stimulation, encouraging Juliana to test spatial relationships and rotate objects in the mind's eye to create a better structure.
Through block play Juliana masters the importance of sequence, cooperation and responsibility to work together as a team to reach a common goal.
Her practice of bringing all the pieces together and making it work has transferred well into Juliana integrating Multimedia Lecterns with complementing accessories and sound systems.

Being the First To Arrive At AmpliVox
Sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic is a horrible way to start your day.
The longer you're stuck, the more frustrated you likely get as you realize you're wasting valuable time that could be spent in the office.
Leaving the house early allows you to miss all of that traffic, instead of sitting behind the wheel of your car you can be seated at your desk getting some work done.
Juliana takes advantage of this extra time to create the daily flash report, a 1-page overview of activities which had occurred the previous day.
The flash report provides Grandpa with a quick snapshot of how the business is performing in regards to Service, Sales, Billing, and Inventory.
Flash reports allow AmpliVox CEO Don Roth to identify exceptions sooner than later and take corrective action if necessary.
Waking up early is a proven way to have a productive and enlightened start to the day while most people are still tucked in bed hitting the snooze button.
Are you an early riser?
Please share your tips and early morning routine on social media using the hashtag #WakingUpEarly.