Protesters gathered last week to speak out against the findings of Lake County State's Attorney Mike Nerheim, clearing a Zion police officer of a teenager's fatal shooting.
17-year-old Justus Howell of Waukegan IL was fatally wounded by a Zion police officer after a foot chase that ended with Howell being shot twice in the back.
Police said moments before the chase that the teenager had been involved in a scuffle while trying to steal a handgun during a street sale.
Nerheim said the teen, was armed and turning toward officers with his weapon when he was shot and killed. The officer who shot Howell is a nine-year veteran who has been placed on administrative leave.
Protesters have peacefully gathered since the April 4th fatal shooting and have held marches and demonstrations through the streets of Zion, rallying at the police headquarters demanding "Justice for Justus".
Howell's shooting happened amid a wave of controversial use of force by police nationwide, followed by complaints about the rarity of criminal charges against police. Despite the lack of charges, Justus' mother, LaToya Howell, said she will continue to advocate on behalf of her late son and local youths.
"We need to stand up for them because no one else will" - LaToya Howell
- Lead the march
- Direct the crowds
- Speak to the rally
- Peacefully demonstrate
- Get their message out
For more info on the Zion police shooting protest please visit: