A conference room setup is a classic layout popularly used for smaller meetings and an ideal arrangement for debate and discussion. Conference style layouts consist of one table in the center of the room where attendees are seated around all sides, encouraging and allowing an easy dialogue between delegates. Commonly used for board meetings, discussion groups and other smaller functions at which interaction between participants is expected.
For small businesses the conference room usually has multiple uses. This room could be used for brainstorming sessions where team members can get together, or it could have a social function as well, hosting a birthday party or celebratory event. A conference room layout provides plenty of workspace for each person at the table and a good communication / visual line for each participant.
Listed below are the advantages and disadvantages of a conference room seating layout with suggested placement of any needed PA Systems and wireless microphoned presenters.
For small businesses the conference room usually has multiple uses. This room could be used for brainstorming sessions where team members can get together, or it could have a social function as well, hosting a birthday party or celebratory event. A conference room layout provides plenty of workspace for each person at the table and a good communication / visual line for each participant.
Listed below are the advantages and disadvantages of a conference room seating layout with suggested placement of any needed PA Systems and wireless microphoned presenters.